1·Field access may be marginally faster, but rarely. Sometimes, getter access may provide a slightly different value from direct field access, especially when subclasses are in play.
2·Still, few bring the direct benefits of Foldit, in which gamers play with protein chains in an attempt to discover their three-dimensional structure.
3·See that direct heat does not play on it.
4·The best witchcraft explanation is that Shakespeare put a curse on the play so that no-one, other than him, would be able to direct it correctly.
5·Synthetic transactions also play a key role in monitoring continuity to confirm a system's health during periods of relative inactivity, when direct sources are insufficient.
6·Burial ceremonies where mourners have direct contact with the body of the deceased person can play a significant role in the transmission of Ebola.
7·This aspect of the communication restrictions may have been more significant to the results than the restrictions' direct effect on the speed of game play.
8·Indeed, the new studies suggest that emotional tears may play a direct role in alleviating stress. CET-6, 2003.9.
9·Character is a kind of inner strength, its existence can play a direct role, without the aid of any means.
10·The type of music you play can have dramatic and direct effects on your business.